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Title: Transição da carreira esportiva para a aposentadoria de nadadores.
Authors: Gomes, Ana Catarina
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Ferreira, Renato Melo
metadata.dc.contributor.referee: Oliveira, Géssyca Tolomeu de
Soares, Everton Rocha
Ferreira, Renato Melo
Keywords: Natação
Educação física - formação profissional
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: GOMES, Ana Catarina. Transição da carreira esportiva para a aposentadoria de nadadores. 2024. 28 f. Monografia (Graduação em Educação Física - Bacharelado) - Escola de Educação Física, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, 2024.
Abstract: O objetivo do estudo foi comparar os motivos da aposentadoria, sentimentos durante a transição e ao relembrar a carreira, além da percepção da aptidão física e saúde entre 18 ex-nadadores, divididos em Grupo A (aposentados entre 1995-2005) e Grupo B (aposentados entre 2006 2019). Utilizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa e retrospectiva, por meio de entrevistas via Google Meet, seguindo um roteiro semiestruturado. O recrutamento dos atletas foi conduzido de forma conveniente, com base na disponibilidade e acessibilidade. Os resultados indicaram que a estagnação de resultados foi o principal motivo de aposentadoria para ambos os grupos (33,33% para o Grupo A e 35,71% para o Grupo B). Durante a transição, o Grupo A expressou predominantemente sentimentos positivos (57,15%), enquanto o Grupo B demonstrou uma predominância de sentimentos negativos (63,64%), sendo o alívio o principal sentimento citado em ambos os grupos. Ao se lembrar da carreira, ambos os grupos expressaram predominantemente sentimentos positivos (94,45% para o Grupo A e 76,2% para o Grupo B), sendo a saudade o mais citado em ambos. Em relação à percepção da aptidão física e saúde, observou-se predominantemente uma piora em ambos os grupos.
metadata.dc.description.abstracten: The aim of the study was to compare retirement motives, feelings during the transition and when reminiscing about the career, as well as perceptions of physical fitness and health among 18 former swimmers, divided into Group A (retired between 1995-2005) and Group B (retired between 2006-2019). A qualitative and retrospective approach was used through interviews via Google Meet, following a semi-structured script. Athlete recruitment was conveniently conducted based on availability and accessibility. Results indicated that stagnation of results was the primary retirement motive for both groups (33.33% for Group A and 35.71% for Group B). During the transition, Group A predominantly expressed positive feelings (57.15%), while Group B showed a predominance of negative feelings (63.64%), with relief being the main feeling cited in both groups. When recalling the career, both groups predominantly expressed positive feelings (94.45% for Group A and 76.2% for Group B), with nostalgia being the most cited in both. Regarding perceptions of physical fitness and health, a predominantly worsening trend was observed in both groups. The aim of the study was to compare retirement motives, feelings during the transition and when reminiscing about the career, as well as perceptions of physical fitness and health among 18 former swimmers, divided into Group A (retired between 1995-2005) and Group B (retired between 2006-2019). A qualitative and retrospective approach was used through interviews via Google Meet, following a semi-structured script. Athlete recruitment was conveniently conducted based on availability and accessibility. Results indicated that stagnation of results was the primary retirement motive for both groups (33.33% for Group A and 35.71% for Group B). During the transition, Group A predominantly expressed positive feelings (57.15%), while Group B showed a predominance of negative feelings (63.64%), with relief being the main feeling cited in both groups. When recalling the career, both groups predominantly expressed positive feelings (94.45% for Group A and 76.2% for Group B), with nostalgia being the most cited in both. Regarding perceptions of physical fitness and health, a predominantly worsening trend was observed in both groups.
Appears in Collections:Educação Física - Bacharelado

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